A powerful 3 month container for the high priestesses of AVALON to REAWAKEN the POWEFUL magic within their DNA to support their most incredible ACCELERATED EVOLUTION into their Merliness, Destiny, and highest timeline. 

This level of MERLINESS MAGIC is not just for anyone!

This High level, RAPID EXPANSION codex is to support you in recovering your own unique jewel that unlocks your sol codes, your Powerful, magical DNA and memories of the POWER you held in AVALON as a mystical, magical, healer, high priestess of the sacred covenant of magic.

you will reclaim your own unique jewel and receive the specific codex to bring everything online that has been dormant until this very moment when you were ready to remember the INCREDIBLE POWER YOU WIELDED
Everything you require to create the most incredible Golden Age Empire & New Earth Enterprise is within you already!
It's in your DNA and architecture.

It simply needs to be unlocked!

 Are you courageous enough to


To come home deeply to your truth as a magical gifted healer, oracle, mystic, medicine keeper with powerful abilities to not only transform and completely shift your own reality but birth entire new universes and worlds! 

Do you hold a POWERFUL vision, and desire with every breath to see it come to life? A true visionary that takes action on their dreams and desires?

 Do you know in every cell of your being that you were forged in the fires for something greater than you could ever possibly imagine?

 Do you desire to create PROFOUND ripple effects that will grow and evolve through accessing your own magic?

 Are you ready for  the next levels of success, impact, purpose and Wealth?

 Does your bank account want to go on holiday from all the outgoings in investments that have been made with little to no results and left you with a bad taste in your mouth, but still driven and seeking?

 Do you have the unwavering tenacity that it takes to BE 


❖ Are you're ready to uplevel every aspect of your life? recovering your own powerful jewel and awakening the sol codex within will uplevel, expand and upgrade you in ways you can not begin to comprehend.

No one can walk this path but you! 
You were destined to RECOVER THE JEWEL OF YOUR SOL and create powerful PROFOUND IMPACT and a GOLDEN AGE legacy and to remember the sacred covenant of magic!
Can you feel it calling to you? 
No one can walk this path but you! 
You were destined to birth this into form...
To create a powerful New Earth structures that create 
Can you feel the vision within calling to be birthed?


12 weeks of POWERFUL upgrades as we connect you back to the unique JEWEL of your SOL and open you up to what is possible when you are completely upleveled and attuned to a higher frequency resonance higher timelines, and Quantum realities 

I will support you as you birth your Majesty into the world through your specific codex  


We will set the grids and begin the foundational work to seed and anchor it.

Removing all distortions and discrepancies in your field allowing for a clean crisp crystalline  frequency. 

Attuning you to your highest frequency resonance and over soul network to begin receiving the full codex and keycodes of what you are birthing.

Activating your Destiny timeline and shifting you into your highest embodiment.

I will completely support you as Master Merliness as you open to your phenomenal healing abilities and magical DNA and remember your own glorious truth of being a merliness and wielding great POWER!




  JEWEL OF THE SOL Activation & the the complete  ELIXIR series

 2x monthly 60 min calls
 3 months of magical/merliness training 

 Voxer support throughout the process


I have spent the last 10 years moving through powerful initiations unlocking profound gateways, gifts, abilities and skill Mastery like no other. Raising in consciousness and opening higher faculties. I have trained and worked alongside Merlin in many timelines & lives as well as powerful collectives and teams of light that are here for the highest heaven on Earth timeline, and to support you in embodying your highest light. I have Mastery in and have birthed advanced consciousness, and technologies that have never been on this Earth plane before.

Many times I have sipped from the Golden chalice, each time revealing a new aspect of my truth. The deeper I travelled and worked with divine heart alchemy the higher I raised in consciousness and opened to the profound abilities I now access to support high calibre sols that hold blueprints to birth entire new worlds within worlds. With powerful Master keys and a whole treasure trove of gifts and highly advanced abilities that support my mission here I was forged in the fires. As a COSMIC MASTER and New Earth leader I have paved the way through my own journey of evolution and now I am able to effortlessly shift your consciousness within seconds and attune you to your highest resonance. I work with  high frequency/ high level magic and It is my greatest joy and purpose to support the New Earth/Golden Age legacies to recover their unique jewel and activate  crystalline codex within it to birth new worlds. Plug into 12D Holy Golden Wealth and the overflowing joy and pleasure of true success in all areas of your life.

To apply