I AM ENOUGH! When you say this to yourself do you feel the expansion in your heart? Or does a beautiful little smile appear on your face? Can you feel the deep knowing that you are indeed ENOUGH and loved?  Do you hold the powerful knowing that you can ask for ANYTHING and it is given?   Your worthiness is not determined or based on Anything! Not your Level of education, how smart you are, what you look like, what you do, or what you have achieved. You were born ENOUGH There is nothing that can determine your inherent worth. This deep inner knowing comes from the love of your Mother. If you could look into the eyes of your younger self or feel what they feel would your mothers love wrap your heart in this knowing? Would you feel the safety that she created for you to be boundlessly and unapologetically YOU?  Are you free to be Limitlessly self-expressed? Would you feel joyously loved and celebrated for being you? Or would there be internal scars? A closed heart? Imprints from all the places and spaces you cut yourself off from knowing without a doubt that you were enough. Did the experience of your mother affirm to you that you are not enough to receive her unconditional love? Your mother birthed you into this world She held you in her womb as you grew You are part of her as she is a part of you!   I know all too well the heaviness and burden the mother wound carries I believed that my mother's inability to meet me in love meant that I was not enough and I did not deserve to be loved or have beautiful experiences. I know the circumstances it creates in the external world but most importantly the true magic that I have met from healing my own Mother wound and stripping back the layers that created the separated parts within me and I desire this for you! My love you are free to experience an existence that is anchored deeply in unwavering self love and worth. To see yourself through the eyes of love We have all experienced pain and suffering and Iโ€™m sure at one time or another you have felt resentment towards your Mother. Sometimes it is hidden in the subconscious, and you canโ€™t access it This creates the inability to first acknowledge it. Secondly, Understand it and lastly transmute it, to then completely transform the reality and the experiences that you have.   The mother wound has many layers and when they are stripped back revealed to you is another magnificent divine level of your truth. As you come back home to yourself you are returning to the heart of the holy Mother, the divine feminine womb. As a baby, you perceived your parents to be God! both the holy Father and Mother. When your Mother wound is activated, it creates significant dysfunctional coping mechanisms and SELF-SABOTAGE programming along with a copious amount of other fear-based programming and templates. In healing my own Mother wound and witnessing my clients I have seen just how intricately woven into your existence it is. The many layers and depths are fascinating and when you see it, it is effortless to HEAL and receive potent, powerful self-awareness, and epiphanies. YOUR MOTHER WAS THE BIRTH PORTAL Everything you are was birthed through her and the level of love she met you with. It is now time for you to remember your deep worthiness by HEALING THE MOTHER WOUND THAT KEEPS YOU IN SEPARATION.  Disconnected from your divine inherent truth and ability to command into your reality your dreams & desires, (Including the wildest ones) The mother wound holds you back from becoming a true Master of your destined path. YOU ARE ENOUGH   The mother wound Healing package consists of 3 Powerful pillars to support in reclaiming your inherent worth, taking your power back, and understanding that you my love are so incredibly loved, and there is Nothing in this world that you can not have! Your only job is to find that deep truth hidden beneath the illusions and imprisoned in your Mother wound. It is my greatest passion, purpose, and pleasure to bring you The 3 pillars of the mother wound.  Jasmine xx          

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